Soliciting and Selling
General solicitation of money, services, or products is not permitted on campus. Violations should be reported to a Campus Life staff member or Public Safety. Organizations wishing to solicit support from the college community must obtain permission from the Office of Student Development. The complete solicitation policy is available in the Office of Student Development, Le Fer 125.
Soliciation/Fundraising Policy
Policy Introduction
In response to growing concerns expressed by various staff and faculty the President’s Cabinet decided to review current practices of fundraising both on campus and in the external communities. The concerns fall into two very distinct areas. First, it is apparent from current practices that numerous campus groups throughout the year are seeking funding in the form of monies or goods from many local businesses. Apart from being approached many times in the name of SMWC these local businesses are also the contacts that the Advancement staff seek out for major gifts. Clearly, the college must take a more active role in determining what businesses and when those businesses should be approached for support. The reputation of the college must be protected and the college has a responsibility to be good stewards of the relationships that have been cultivated in the local community.
Secondly, members of the college community have expressed their concerns over the number of instances that they are asked to support various charitable causes in the name of the college via all college emails, voicemails, and postings. While it is recognized that the members of this community are extremely generous and that every individual can choose to support whatever cause they wish, it is apparent that many feel that they are being solicited too often. The college must be sensitive to this issue to minimize the financial impact on those that may feel pressured to support a particular cause. The college must acknowledge those organizations that are sponsored and supported by the college and therefore may utilize the communications network. Further, the college should ensure that funding is set aside to finance some of the needs of appropriate campus organizations that have been fundraising in the past. The benchmark for this funding should be whether or not the group/organization is officially representing the college or that the group provides a specific service to others that is in keeping with the mission of the college.
New Policy
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College prohibits the solicitation of monies, goods or services by any organization or individual without the expressed written permission of the Vice President for Operations. The College will ask any violators of this policy to cease activities immediately and it reserves the right to ask the violator to leave campus. The College authorizes the SMWC Advancement staff to seek funds from those in the local community; all other clubs and organizations are prohibited from such activities.
The College will annually recognize both internal and external organizations that have the support and permission of the College to solicit funds from the campus community. These organizations will be afforded the opportunity to utilize campus wide email, voicemail, and postings. All other campus clubs and organizations wishing to promote a fundraiser on campus must obtain permission.
- A written request for permission for a fundraiser must be submitted to Vice President for Operations detailing what the funds are to be used for, the type of promotional activity, and a timeline for the activity.
- The Vice President for Operations will consult with the Vice President for Advancement to ensure that activities are appropriate and that there are no conflicts with other solicitations.
- The group will receive written notification of the decision.
- Groups receiving authorization will be allowed to utilize campus wide communications during the stated time period of solicitation.
Organizations/Groups supported and/or sponsored by the College and authorized to solicit funds from the SMWC community:
- SMWC Annual Fund and Campaign Fund
- SMWC Impact
- United Way of the Wabash Valley
- Student Senate Annual Charitable Project
Policy approved and in effect beginning on August 13, 2002. Revised February, 2017